The Conservation Breeding and Reintroduction team looks into assessing and making recommendations regarding the need to develop scientifically managed ex-situ breeding programs and/or assurance colonies for certain species. For this several criteria are considered, including vital information derived from the other teams such as Field Research and Trade and Legislation, as well as existing captive populations and available animal care guidelines.
This precautionary approach is recommended based on the risk that alternative conservation measures will not take effect in a sufficiently timely manner to prevent these taxa from disappearing completely from the wild. The ultimate goal for the species selected is to have sustainable, viable populations under expert care that can help to ensure the taxa’s survival and eventually reinforce the remaining wild populations with captive-bred individuals, once the threats are mitigated. For this, suitable release protocols and post-release monitoring programs that abide to international guidelines need to be developed. One of the deliverables in the work plan for this sub group is to develop best practices for the species managed in these programs, as well as to provide husbandry and veterinary advice support.

Prigen Conservation Breeding Ark / ©PCBA
Prigen Conservation Breeding Ark
Prigen Conservation Breeding Ark is a conservation project focussing on the ex-situ conservation of threatened Indonesian species. Located on the grounds of Taman Safari Prigen, East Java Prigen Conservation Breeding Ark is run as a joint venture by Taman Safari, KASI Foundation, ZGAP, Birdpark Marlow and many other international institutions.
Prigen Conservation Breeding Ark's main focus is on songbirds, with 203 aviaries dedicated to the conservation breeding of threatened species. In 2020 13 songbird species have successfully reproduced, among them, species kept and bred nowhere else on earth e.g. Wangi-Wangi White-eye (Zosterops sp. nov.) and Maratua Shama (Kittacincla m. barbouri).
Project leader: Jochen Menner
Contact: curator_aves_tsi2[at]

Kittacincla m. barbouri / ©PCBA
Cikananga Conservation Breeding Centre

Cissa thalassina / ©CCBC
In the southern foothills of Mount Gede, West Java, in a small village 800m above sea level is Cikananga Conservation Breeding Centre. Cikananga Conservation Breeding Centre currently focuses on a small number of Indonesian endemic species of high importance, which are in desperate need of attention from conservation breeding programmes. By focusing on a few species, Cikananga Conservation Breeding Centre uses facilities and resources to build large local populations, which are then managed to benefit genetic diversity. Through this approach, since its inception in 2007, Cikananga Conservation Breeding Centre has had much breeding success with some of the highest priority species identified by the ASTSG (e.g., Javan Green Magpie (Cissa thalassina) and Black-winged Myna (Acridotheres melanopterus)).
Alongside conservation breeding, Cikananga Conservation Breeding Centre aims to maintain natural biodiversity in conservation areas on Java, promote local awareness about the environment in Java, improve scientific knowledge on the biology and ecology of the species and, when suitable, release captive-bred individuals in their former geographical range.
Project leaders: Resit Sozer and Bertie Ferns.
Contact: bertie.ferns[at]